onsdag 30 januari 2019

Here is a little project I have been working on for quite a long time now. It was suppose to be
a small project just for fun, but things got in the middle and I had to leave it hanging for a while. But now I got more time, and I can finally finnished it. =)

I got this inspiration on google and wanted to make my own version of the famous mustaches I know of. Of course I cant make them all, just the once I like the most. ;) See if you can figure them out. If not, just read the rest of the text here. =)


From left to right:

Chef Boyardee, Salvador Dali, Groucho Marx, Hulk Hogan, Yo Samy Sam

Pringels, Mr.Monopoly, Eggman, Mario and Luigi

Mr.T, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chapling, Master Roshi, Gene Shallot.

So there they are, if you dont know who they are well...to bad for you. XD 

I hope you like this little random mustach collection of mine! X) 

Art (c) AilwynRaydom / Annie The GreenKitty
Characters (c) Belongs to their respective owners
So here is me? :giggle: self attention enough? XD 

It was about to get something small, but when I get sucked into things it gets bigger and the gears in my head goest faster so just end up with only one potrati it just ended up with 3 and smash them all in one picture, because ...why not? 

Left to right. My outfit I designed from 2017 basicly all mushroom design, then middle my classic outfit I have had a while, nerdy, colorful. and the last one is a design by Coraleana from deviantart, she made this one for me last year on my birthday. I have been wanting to give it ago to draw it and now I dare to take a chance ^^; 

this is suppose to be an ID but maybe its to big, not sure. XD 

Well yes folks you see now Im alive, I will respond to comments anytime soon. thank you for your time.